I am excited to present the Hemlock Hospice project with Aaron Ellison on Sunday, May 6th at the upcoming Broto conference in Provincetown, MA. If you find yourself at the conference, do say hello.
Some information about the conference from the Broto website:
- We are a Conference: May 4-6, 2018 is our inaugural summit and will devote its entire weekend program to building and ratifying a Broto Collaboration Blueprint. This will be an exportable framework for collaboration that we hope will inspire creative exploration of the rich territory between art and science, while preserving the integrity of both. The first Broto conference is a brisk, three-day program of speakers, panels, workshops and social events.
- We are a Community: Our site broto.eco is the home base for a growing community of artists and scientists – learning about collaboration, finding collaborators, sharing collaboration insights, and lauding the gains we have been able to catalyze. We’re learning, transparent and disciplined.
- We are Collaboration: At our foundation, we are made up of art and science but Broto has become something more and different. This is a pioneering work in progress and our understanding of the nature of collaboration – not just the tantalizing potential of collaboration – is our primary driver.